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Nucleare & …

On this webpage, lecturers and students of the M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering deal with some current issues related to nuclear subjects in order to answer questions and provide tools for the com-prehension and the indepth analysis of the topics. The initiative is addressed to students interested in nuclear engineering, but also to the information and communication sector as well as the public audience.

On January 5th 2021, the National Chart of the Potentially Suitable Sites (in Italian CNAPI) to host the National Radioactive Waste Repository was published.
The CNAPI was prepared by Sogin, the Italian Public Company in charge of decommissioning of nuclear plants and radioactive waste management, and it was drawn up on the basis of technical and safety criteria set by ISPRA, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (in Italian Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Ricerca Ambientale). .

The use of radioactivity, nuclear reactions and their properties leads to the production of radioactive materials which become radioactive waste when they can no longer be used.
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Currently, various sectors produce radioactive waste in Italy. The main ones are medical, industrial and research sectors. In addition, a part of our radioactive waste derives from the operation and decommissioning of our nuclear reactors.
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Photographs of medical devices

No, they’re not. Radioactive waste is classified based on its activity. There is low-level radioactive waste, intermediate-level radioactive waste and high-level radioactive waste.
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In Italy, the low and medium-level radioactive waste is currently stored in several temporary re-positories whose capacity is close to saturation. Furthermore, the temporary repositories were not designed to provide the final radioactive waste disposal. Almost the entire Italian high-level radioactive waste is currently stored abroad waiting for the availability of a facility to accomodate it in Italy.
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Location of the temporary radioactive waste repositories. Image taken from

The National Repository will be a superficial infrastructure allowing a definitive and safe disposal of our radioactive waste.
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Radioactive waste is neither particularly dangerous nor difficult to manage when compared with other toxic waste produced by human activities. The amount of radioactive waste is very small compared to waste produced by other activities, such as transport, heavy industry and the non-nuclear electricity generation. Infrastructures such as the National Repository are the safest solution for radioactive waste disposal. The technologies used in it have been extensively tested and are already being exploited in many other countries.
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Images taken from (on the right photograph of the French Radioactive waste of L’Aube)

In 2018, Politecnico di Milano hosted a lecture on the project, the safety and the environmental issues related to the National Radioactive Waste Repository.

of Dr. Fabio Chiaravalli, Director of the National Repository and the Technological Park.

On this website you can find everything you need to know about the National Repository, from its detailed description to how to involve public opinion in decision-making processes.

Here you will find a description, organized in thematic files of the various aspects related to the de-commissioning of nuclear waste. We particularly point out the file “Radioactive waste: myths and reality”.

And to explore various issues related to nuclear power in Italy.

In these videos, nuclear engineers graduated from the Politecnico di Milano answer some questions about the National Repository (in Italian).

Deposito Nazione – cos’è?
Da dove vengono i rifiuti radioattivi?
Ma dobbiamo farlo per forza?

More videos on: YouTube channel Comitato Nucleare e Ragione