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Politecnico di Milano hosts the first Nuclear Engineering MSc (since 1956) and PhD Programmes in the Italian universities.

More than 60 new students enter every year the MSc* (“Laurea Magistrale“) in Nuclear Engineering course, one of the most attended in Europe.

25 permanent staff professors and about 40 temporary researchers and PhD students are working every day on nuclear topics.


* The MSc (Master of Science or “Laurea Magistrale”, Laurea di II livello) is an academic, 2-years degree that can be earned only after a BSc (Bachelor of Science or “Laurea”, Laurea di I livello), 3-years academic degree.

1942 – Enrico Fermi and his team demonstrates the feasibility of controlling a fission chain reaction

1956 – CeSNEF (Centro Studi Nucleari Enrico Fermi) is born, at Politecnico di Milano: the first nuclear educational programme and the first nuclear research reactor in the italian Universities

1980 – Enlargement and renovation of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and CeSNEF building and labs

2008 – The new Department of Energy of POLIMI is born: joining the former Department of Nuclear Engineering, Dept. of Energetics and groups of researchers from Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering areas.

2015 – Construction of “B18”: brand new building and labs for the Nuclear Engineering Division – CeSNEF