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CNAPI – The italian map published

After quite a long waiting (5 years), at the beginning of 2021 the CNAPI has been published.

 CNAPI (“Carta Nazionale delle Aree Potenzialmente Idonee” – national chart of the potentially suitable areas) is the map identifying 67 zones eligible to host the italian Radioactive Waste Repository (“Deposito Nazionale”).

It is an important step, olong the well-structured process of selection of the site and the following construction of the infrastructure.

Here all the information (more than 300 documents) about the maps, the selection criteria, the repository project and the public consultation:

In 2018, POLIMI hosted a seminar offered by SOGIN (Dr. Fabio Chiaravalli, Head of the National Nuclear Waste Repository & Technological Park programme) on the design, safety and environmental aspects of the Italian “Deposito Nazionale”. 

Download the presentation