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nuclearThe Master of Science (MSc – or “Laurea Magistrale”) in Nuclear Engineering aims at training engineers capable of facing the complex aspects which characterize the nuclear subjects. In this Course emphasis is given both to energetic applications (e.g. those referring to fission and fusion plants, nuclear fuel, nuclear materials and safety) and to non-energetic applications (i.e. medical and industrial applications of nuclear radiations; radiation detection and measurements; nuclear electronics for radiation detection; radiochemistry; radiation protection, physics of matter, plasma physics and nanotechnologies) of Nuclear Engineering.


cesnef reattoreNuclear Engineering was included in the Italian regulations of the Engineering Courses in 1955-56. In 1957, the Politecnico di Milano was the first University in Italy to offer this subject in the framework of its courses. And also to build and operate the first nuclear research reactor in italian Universities.
The capabilities of providing a complete and adequate learning in the nuclear field was gained during the subsequent years, together with a strong link to the related research aspects.

Nowadays, the MSc Course in Nuclear Engineering is attended by students from all over Italy, Europe and World.